Event & Community Networks

Over the last 5 years we have grown our flagship event – Lagos Startup Week  to the leading technology gathering in Africa.

While Fostering ecosystems and supporting startups stays at our core, we have learned how to leverage our network and deliver products providing valuable insights to some of the world’s leading companies and investment funds.

We have worked with a number of professional and commercial customers/ Partners . Our mission is to give them access to extraordinary people and exceptional insight.

We provide unique opportunities to learn, establish relationships and do business. We do this through a range of products and services, from digital communities to live events.

As a trusted partner and solution provider to the communities and audiences we serve, our leading events provide memorable experiences complemented by year round multi-format content, networking opportunities and capability enhancing tools and programmes.

We organises high-quality, content-driven events and programmes that enable specialist communities to meet, connect, network and share knowledge.

Our direct access to a wide network of technical talent, founders, and other local partners offers our clients an unmatched view into the realities of doing business in “Silicon Africa,” access to hard-to-reach customer segments, and investment opportunities.

We provide digital content, memorable face to face experiences, networking and professional development and learning for customers in key industry verticals.

Annually, we also organize the Lagos Startup Week  conference, one of African Startups most important international events and the first event of its kind in Africa.

Event Organisations

We organize high-quality, content-driven events and programmes that enable specialist communities to meet, connect, network and share knowledge.


Our direct access to a wide network of stakeholders ( Technical talents, founders, innovators, Industry experts etc ) guarantees our clients a bespoke access to up-to-date insight with respect to realities in doing business in Africa’s markets vis-à-vis its untapped investment avenues and hard to reach customer segments.

Annually, we also organize the Lagos Startup Week , one of Africa’s most important international events.

Market Entry

Market entry is one of the most pivotal steps for a business. We are an international relationship builder in the technology and startup scene offering events, Programmes, tours,  intelligence, and venture capital.

We work with corporate, startups , investors and businesses to help them enter and operate in Africa’s major tech-enabled markets. Join us in Nigeria, Ghana, to integrate into Africa’s top tech ecosystems. We will help you invest in local startups, expand your business operations or reach the African tech-enabled consumer.

Africa provides plenty of business opportunities. Companies from all over the world are increasingly recognising Africa’s potential and are eager to step into Africa’s markets. The key to doing business in Africa is a sound strategic framework. Given that Africa is a unique continent, this requires a special set of knowledge and skills. We assists companies in all stages and aspects of their strategy and business development.

View our Programmes

View our Programmes